
Annual Curriculum

Our curriculum is broken up into units of study focused on the natural sciences. Each week, the children make discoveries about new and familiar topics as they are guided though inquiry based learning experiences and purposeful play. Often working in small groups, children exchange ideas, problem solve collaboratively, and learn the give and take of conversational language.The interdisciplinary learning activities are carefully designed to foster fundamental math, science, social studies and language arts skills that will prepare students for elementary school and beyond.

Similar topics are grouped together to foster schematic knowledge, enabling children to make connections to their previous understandings and allocating the time needed for an in-depth investigation of the broader concepts. During each unit of study, the children recap, reflect on, and celebrate their learning through illustrations, sculpture, photos, and other symbolic arts. Their work is documented and shared in our weekly updates to help bridge the gap between their home and school environment.

Curriculum Highlights

Our curriculum spans beyond academic subjects. Our certified and experienced educators work continuously to ensure that every child in the program gains the confidence and autonomy needed to support their happiness and well-being.

The children are encouraged to complete tasks independently, apply their new found skills to support their peers and take pride in their accomplishments. From a young age, the children take responsibility in caring for their classroom. Learning to put away toys, care for art materials, and assist in cleaning up every-day messes, we believe contributes to a feeling of autonomy as well as sets a classroom culture of mutual respect and concern for others.

Social Emotional Learning

We aim to “arm” children with the language they need to advocate for themselves and verbally resolve conflict. The teachers provide guided support to ensure that the children voice their wants and needs and come upon an agreed solution.

For our youngest learners who have not yet adopted language as a social tool or are unable to use it in moments of frustration, we rely on the body language of the children involved to convey the consequences of an unfavorable action and model simple phrases that they are able to adopt in future interactions.

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